
Archive for the ‘Sustainability and Energy’ Category

My research in Spain

2010/11/04 Leave a comment

Many people have been asking me about my research, so here’s the abbreviated version:
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Convenient grocery stores, tiny foods!

2010/10/02 2 comments

The first day I moved in my new home, I tried going to the grocery store to buy as much as I could for the semester. Not the best idea in Europe… I ran into three problems: Finding the grocery store, trying to buy in bulk, and storing my food. Since I arrived in Europe, I have been in 7 houses, and I’ve noticed one common trend: all the fridges are smaller than in Canada, and grocery stores are much closer.

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Transit in London

2010/09/10 2 comments

I arrived in London on September 2, 2010, having absolutely no clue how to get to my cousin Joey’s place. After talking to the customs for a while, they let me into the country, and I found an internet station to get directions to his place. Within London, the transit system seems very organized, albeit expensive. Read more…